Thursday, January 31, 2008

A Declaration of Intent

  • Why make this blog?
  • What do I hope to achieve?
  • Where do you get off saying this, asshole?

If you’ve stumbled upon this fresh slice of cheese, I’m not sure how. As I haven’t quite figured out the theme of this blog, I’m not making it a point to shove it in peoples faces like the rampant and self-promotion whoring I do with my art and animation. I could say that this a personal blog and not art-focused but let’s face it, since I approach life from that angle, I’ll be using art to help me express whatever it is I’m trying to express should it suit the need. I also think visuals help people absorb things more quickly and more effectively in some instances. I won't hesitate using any means available to drive points home.

My rough aim is compiling my various thoughts on various subjects and using it to look at my overall slant on life. Its primary function is a mirror so as to get at look at myself from the outside or in as much outside as I can get. So often I develop my outlook in bits and pieces, reacting to small aspects of the whole. It makes me wonder what it all looks like put together (likely a big tangle of hypocrisy). Also, I am a dorky hermit who enjoys thinking about philosophy, religion and the problems of life. So, while I can express certain things through art, I enjoy playing with the written word to explore subjects in a different way. Hopefully this blog will help quench the amateur philosopher in me.

I’m also doing this exercise in blog form because I’ve got an obese ego. Blogs by their very nature imply that the authors have the audacity to assume you, the reader, actually give a shit about his/her thoughts. I play at humility often and try to keep myself in check to avoid looking the fool but in my deepest thoughts I often shake my head at the world disapprovingly. I typically float between feeling like I should act in accordance with this desire for social change and feeling like we’re all fools. Any attempt I make to “help” will more likely just make a bigger mess. Add in that at some point the sun will burn up and some time after the universe will come to a quiet pond-ripple end and I’m left feeling apathetic again.

So I must admit in all honestly that I have a fantasy of some people reading this, digging it and helping promote these thoughts and putting them into practice. I have lots of fantasies of this nature and in the future I’ll be posting some. Many will seem unrealistic and utopian, but when brainstorming I like to indulge all ideas and work them out, letting the one left standing as the strongest. The problem is that I’m an average man of average intelligence. So, perhaps some smart person will see one of my fantasies and work it out and fashion it into something useful. Again, another fantasy. As an artist, it’s something I specialize in.


Here are some annoying habits I have that you’ll need to put up with should you desire reading these ramblings. I like using quotes, usually to denote that I’m using the word as a label rather than its conventional meaning. Also, you might find some “creativity” (see that?) in how I break things up and use punctuation, etc. I like to play with words and I tend to think in broad brush strokes so I’ll be using the English language in a loose fashion. Sometimes I make up words too. It’s fun. When this happens, I’ll do my best to define these words for you.


Get used to posts ending with disclaimers. I regard myself as average and prone to screwing up. So, with every “brilliant” theory I have, there is in the back of my mind lingering the possibility that I am ill-informed, crazy or just plain wrong. I’m not a writer, scientist, theologian or a professional in anything but art (even that’s debatable). I make no claims to the validity of anything you find on this blog. This is an exercise.