Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Hooray for gays!

Last night, I watched the election coverage and felt a strange and unfamiliar emotion… pride. I admit it, as cynical and as jaded as I am, I couldn’t help it. I laid my head down with a good feeling about the direction of this county. That general feeling lasted until about 2 minutes ago when I saw that California is looking like it will pass a ban on gay marriage. Pardon my French, but what the fuck???

I’m so tired of this being an issue. There is no issue! There is no conceivable reason why homosexuals should not be allowed to marry. In California? The gayest state per capita in the U.S.? How does this happen?

Well, I’ve heard all the usual arguments, all of them being beyond retarded. In fact, I shouldn’t use that word because calling these arguments retarded is an insult to the word retarded. I’d like to suggest a new word to describe asinine ideas of this magnitude:

Humongatarditude (huu-mon-ga-tard-i-tuud) noun
An attitude or belief that is so stupid, so unbelievably barren of any logic, reason or sense, that any sentient being cannot even fathom it.

However, just saying that these views are humongatarditudes won’t satisfy those who oppose same-sex marriages. So, let’s take some time to dispel some of arguments for this humongatarditude:

Note: These arguments are taken from here, may their god strike them down with lightning. Word!

Humongatarditude #1.
The implications for children in a world of decaying families are profound. A recent article in the Weekly Standard described how the advent of legally sanctioned gay unions in Scandinavian countries has already destroyed the institution of marriage, where half of today's children are born out of wedlock.

That “logic” is astounding. People have been making babies out of wedlock since the beginning of time. Not to mention the number of heterosexual marriages that are the true disgrace to the sanctity of marriage. I also fail to see how gay marriage would affect the heterosexual’s attitude on whether to get married or not. That’s likely because there IS NONE!

Humongatarditude #2
The introduction of legalized gay marriages will lead inexorably to polygamy and other alternatives to one-man, one-woman unions.

Another slippery slope argument, which if you taken even a high school debate class, you know this how desperate people with no real evidence to support their claims. First off, although polygamy isn’t my bag and sounds like more trouble than fun, I’m not against it. I know this will likely have some people wagging their finger at me, but stop. If consenting adults want to have the headache that is a polygamous relationship, I’m certainly not going to tell them it’s wrong and I can’t see how it’s anyone’s business. Just like I’m not going to tell a Christian that they’re not allowed to be Christian.

Humongatarditude #3
An even greater objective of the homosexual movement is to end the state's compelling interest in marital relationships altogether. After marriages have been redefined, divorces will be obtained instantly, will not involve a court, and will take on the status of a driver's license or a hunting permit. With the family out of the way, all rights and privileges of marriage will accrue to gay and lesbian partners without the legal entanglements and commitments heretofore associated with it.

This is getting redundant. Divorce is already that way practically and it has nothing to do with whether or not Bill and Bob want to marry. Heterosexuals need to grow a pair and realize that THEY are the reason the institution of marriage is in the shitter. As a married person myself, I practically worship my wife and she me. My parents are similar. That is what marriage should be about but many if not most heterosexual people don’t take this approach. Men treat their wives like slaves or crazy bitches and women see their husbands as cheating pigs with brains in their penises. People have forgotten how to love and that blame is squarely directed at heterosexuals. Homosexuals, in my experience, when having a relationship they deem worthy of marriage, actually appreciate the union and their partners! That’s not to say gay people can’t be dicks, but the lack of opportunity for marriage seems make them take it more seriously. Gay marriage is an asset to fortifying the sanctity of marriage not a problem.

Humongatarditude #4
With the legalization of homosexual marriage, every public school in the nation will be required to teach that this perversion is the moral equivalent of traditional marriage between a man and a woman. Textbooks, even in conservative states, will have to depict man/man and woman/woman relationships, and stories written for children as young as elementary school, or even kindergarten, will have to give equal space to homosexuals.

Again, I can’t see the trouble in teaching tolerance in public schools. We are all different and we all have to get along. Schools aren’t responsible for spreading your hate doctrine, you are. Teach your kids to hate gays at home if you want. Stop whining.

Humongatarditude #5
From that point forward, courts will not be able to favor a traditional family involving one man and one woman over a homosexual couple in matters of adoption. Children will be placed in homes with parents representing only one sex on an equal basis with those having a mom and a dad. The prospect of fatherless and motherless children will not be considered in the evaluation of eligibility. It will be the law.

I’m failing to see the problem. Not to mention that currently we are a nation of fatherless children and again none of that has to do with the homos. Heterosexual males are the ones leaving women to raise children on their own.

Furthermore, what about all those children who never get adopted, asshole? More gay marriages mean more adoptions and you can’t possibly argue that no parents are better than two parents of the same gender? I’d like to see you tell an orphan the reason they have to go without a family for the rest of their lives is because of your superficial hang-up on gay people.

Humongatarditude #6
Foster-care parents will be required to undergo "sensitivity training" to rid themselves of bias in favor of traditional marriage, and will have to affirm homosexuality in children and teens.

Bullshit. Absolute bullshit. Since they’ve not even bothered to support this claim with any evidence, I’ll just leave it at that. Bullshit.

Humongatarditude #7
How about the impact on Social Security if there are millions of new dependents that will be entitled to survivor benefits? It will amount to billions of dollars on an already overburdened system. And how about the cost to American businesses? Unproductive costs mean fewer jobs for those who need them. Are state and municipal governments to be required to raise taxes substantially to provide health insurance and other benefits to millions of new "spouses and other dependents"?

What if all of a sudden millions of more heterosexual people decided to marry? Even better, what if all those gays went straight (your wet dream) and had a traditional marriage? You’d have the same problem. Further, if you are entitled to those benefits, who are you to tell others they can’t? Currently homosexuals are being taxed so that YOUR dependants are entitled. Is that fair?

You gotta love these arguments because they are never the real reason people are against gay marriage. People come up with these arguments to support a pre-existing aversion to same sex marriages. Please, if we’re going to solve this issue, be honest. The only reasons you don’t want gays to marry is because it grosses you out or your religion tells you it’s wrong. Separation of church and state, bitches, end of problem.

Humongatarditude #8
Marriage among homosexuals will spread throughout the world, just as pornography did after the Nixon Commission declared obscene material "beneficial" to mankind.11 Almost instantly, the English-speaking countries liberalized their laws against smut. America continues to be the fountainhead of filth and immorality, and its influence is global.

This argument is funny because it’s not saying anything to justify a ban on gay marriage. It’s simply stating that it will spread. Maybe so, maybe not. That doesn’t make it wrong; it means people’s attitudes are changing. Give me a reason being gay is bad. I can’t think of any besides the garish fashion sense but then again, I wear a t-shirt and cargos everyday of my life. I’ll say it again; the slippery slope approach to debate is the lowest of the low. Cast is aside and give me a good argument. I dare you.

Humongatarditude #9
Perhaps most important, the spread of the Gospel of Jesus Christ will be severely curtailed. The family has been God's primary vehicle for evangelism since the beginning.

I couldn’t care less. Contrary to popular belief, we are not a Christian nation and laws should never been enacted on the basis of religious beliefs. We are a melting pot of diversity and culture. Get used to it.

At least they’re being honest here. This is why people hate gays. They read somewhere in some book that god hates them too. Well, if Jesus can hang out with lepers and prostitutes, you can stomach a homosexual. Then again, you don’t actually want to be like Jesus, you just want to wag your finger at everyone who is different from you. If you actually tried to be Christ-like, we wouldn’t be having this argument.

Humongatarditude #10
The culture war will be over, and I fear, the world may soon become "as it was in the days of Noah" (Matthew 24:37, NIV). This is the climactic moment in the battle to preserve the family, and future generations hang in the balance. This apocalyptic and pessimistic view of the institution of the family and its future will sound alarmist to many, but I think it will prove accurate unless-unless-God's people awaken and begin an even greater vigil of prayer for our nation. That's why Shirley and I are urgently seeking the Lord's favor and asking Him to hear the petitions of His people and heal our land. As of this time, however, large segments of the church appear to be unaware of the danger; its leaders are surprisingly silent about our peril (although we are tremendously thankful for the efforts of those who have spoken out on this issue). The lawless abandon occurring recently in California, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Washington and elsewhere should have shocked us out of our lethargy. So far, I'm alarmed to say, the concern and outrage of the American people have not translated into action. This reticence on behalf of Christians is deeply troubling. Marriage is a sacrament designed by God that serves as a metaphor for the relationship between Christ and His Church. Tampering with His plan for the family is immoral and wrong. To violate the Lord's expressed will for humankind, especially in regard to behavior that He has prohibited, is to court disaster.

WTF? See my above response.

If you have any good arguments on why gay marriage should be banned in a society that recognizes separation of church and state, I certainly like to hear them. Please note that I’ll immediately rebut and make you look foolish.

It goes back to my creed, don’t mess with my shit and I’ll leave yours be. If we’re ever going to actually change for the better in this country, we need to honestly look at ourselves and our ideals to the core. Jesus said, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” I am not a Christian, but I think this one of the most profound and undervalued statements ever made. Jesus never hated a homo, he loved all members of creation equally and you’d be wise to follow his lead. Seriously, what would Jesus do?

More on that later.

Hooray for gays!


kgoods said...
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kgoods said...

Your blog entry is mainly about the gay marriage issue, However I must say.... I know exactly what you are feeling with the whole pride thing. And I think I may be even more cynical/jaded then you are. I can’t remember the last time I felt this way about the direction of our country. And I have never seen people as together as they have been this past week. It’s a great thing! Now onto the other subject!!!

I right there with you on the whole gay marriage thing. There are still so many people out there that are so sour on the whole subject. I work with a lot of people who are sour on the subject. And they are good kind people. They have become good friends of mine. However, whenever this comes up you would think we were talking about the worst thing on the face of the earth!! They think homosexuals are the worst thing since Hitler... That is usually around the time I walk away. I just don’t understand it. You see openly gay people on the streets everyday, and even frequently on TV now days. Would things be that much different if they were married?? How would it really affect a heterosexual person’s everyday life? And I don’t want to hear any crap about the sanctity of marriage. That was gone a long time ago. Honestly Dave, your parents are probably some of the only people I know that have not been divorced. Yours and Saied’s are probably some of the few I know. Growing up, everyone's parents were getting divorced. Anyway, who has the right to deny any other person their right to happiness??

g said...

You're right, there is no issue.

MudStuffing Pottery said...

ok... I realize the only reason you haven't added a new blog post is because you are trying to goad me into responding to this. Well listen here you mister! I do not fight logic with logic, and I do not fight the illogical with the illogical, rather it's the illogical cure for the logical. Regrdless... your new word cracks me up, even though it's the same damn entry every time I visit your blog, that word will get a chuckle out of me everytime... Humongatarditude