Saturday, March 15, 2008

What Makes Being Human Significant?

This is a mild break from the regular format. Rather than purging my ideological ramblings, I'd like to get some feedback from you lot. What do you like about being human? What makes life as a human worth the trouble? Here in the states, in spite of our current situation, we are allowed access to a great many wonderful things about being human.

If that seems vague, I'll share a few off the top of my noggin in no particular order:

  • Love (Romantic, Friendly, Family, Etc.)
  • Relationships (Building a Story Together, Being a Part of Something)
  • Art, Music, Delicious Food
  • Hot Tea
  • Thinking, Philosophy
  • Spirituality (Regardless of Origin)
  • Eureka! Moments
  • Observing & Interacting with Other Species (Dog, Fish, Plants, Nature)
  • Enjoyment of Sex (Very few species do!)
  • Learning, Discovery
  • Creating Art, Music, Food, Etc.
  • Having Fun! Celebrations!
  • Helping Those in Need
  • Hugs!
  • Kisses!
  • A Feeling of Freedom and Liberty

There is just so much more to list, but it's a start. If you're wondering where this is going, I'll tell you. I have an infant theory beginning to bubble. So far, it's something like this:

If we can figure out what it means to be human, what makes it special, what makes it joyous, what makes it "worth it", then we can devise a method of living that exemplifies these vitals. It will guide us in prioritizing problems, etc.

So often, we focus on the negative, what bugs us (for which I'm completely guilty). How about rather than thinking about what we don't want people doing, we focus on things everyone should be able to enjoy?

So, what's your list?


kgoods said...

Lately I do find myself focusing on the negative entirely too much. Even with all the problems in this country right now, we still live in a better place then whole lot of other people. So here it goes; here's my list

* #1... Music! (Sometimes I think I would lose my mind without it.)

* Woman

* Learning from others experiences

* Food (Especially Chili and Salsa)

* Family (huge one for me)

* Friendship

* Thinking (Sometimes I do it too much)

* Helping others in need (I think this one is over looked by a lot of people now a days.)

* The human spirit (The connection we all share that only seems to show itself at the most unexpected times.)

* Video games (I had to put it in here.)

* Meeting new and interesting people.

* Change or growth

* History


Mom "P" said...

Although you Guys sometimes think Mom's a "Pollyanna", this is a blog that doesn't require a lot of DEEP thinking on my part to come up with a list (partial as it may be!)

#1 Family!! The one you grow up in, the one you marry into and very spectacularly the one you and your loved one produce and help grow... and then the extended joy that comes when your children choose partners you love and begin their own family.

* Love of life and all that adds fullness to that life.

* Every sunrise and sunset. An art teacher in England told me that a sunset doesn't have pink in it...maybe not in England but here it has about every color imaginable. Also, starry nights- we need to look up a lot more than we do.

*Seeing good deeds that ordinary folks perform without even thinking about them and being inspired to "pay it forward"

*Nature- this earth and our fascination with it.

*Satisfaction in working hard at something and actually finishing it!

*Companionship of friends and family.

Guess this is getting too long but I'll finish by saying that human beings are truly amazing if we just take the time to appreciate all our differences.